Pam Knox

2022 D.W. Brooks Faculty Award for Excellence in Extension, Pam Knox
Pam Knox, an agricultural climatologist with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, specializes in weather and climate variability impacts on agriculture. Knox is the director of the UGA Weather Network, managing a group of 88 automated weather stations across the state that provide weather and climate data to farmers, utilities, Extension agents and private citizens. The network also helps support the National Weather Service by providing real-time weather information in hazardous weather outbreaks to support public safety initiatives.
In the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Knox provides outreach and education on climate and its effects on crops and livestock in the Southeastern U.S. In this capacity, she provides weather and climate data and analyses to university scientists and user groups across the region.
In addition to her work for the university, Knox is state coordinator for the volunteer Community Cooperative Rain Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) rainfall network in Georgia and serves on the advisory board for the Georgia Weather Network. She is an active Certified Consulting Meteorologist in the areas of forensic meteorology and climatology, a past assistant state climatologist for Georgia, and former Wisconsin state climatologist for University of Wisconsin-Extension.
Knox previously served as president of the American Association of State Climatologists and on the American Meteorological Society’s Board of Applied Climatology and Board of Continuing Professional Development. She now serves on the technical advisory boards for the Southeast Regional Climate Center (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the Southeast Regional Climate Hub (U.S. Department of Agriculture). Knox received the Walter Barnard Hill Award in Public Service and Outreach from UGA in 2021 and is a co-author for the upcoming National Climate Assessment chapter on the Southeast.