The D.W. Brooks Executive Committee, appointed by the Dean and Director, shall be responsible for organizing, promoting, and managing the annual D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of representative faculty and staff from all disciplines and campus locations. In addition, a representative from the Office of the Dean shall serve in an ex officio capacity. Recipients of the previous year’s D.W. Brooks Awards shall be automatically appointed to the Committee for a two-year term. Administrative support for the Executive Committee shall be provided by the Office of the Dean and Director.
The Executive Committee Chair shall divide the Executive Committee membership into two subcommittees, an Awards Subcommittee and a Speaker Subcommittee, and appoint a chair for each. The Awards Subcommittee shall receive and review nominations, and select the Faculty Awards of Excellence in Teaching, Research, Extension, Public Service Extension, Diversity and International Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. A set of guidelines for each activity and award shall be established and followed by the Executive Committee. The Speaker Subcommittee shall nominate a potential speaker for the lecture to be approved by the Dean and Director.
The process for the D.W. Brooks Distinguished Professorship will follow the College’s standard procedures for naming chairs and professorships. Nominations for the D.W. Brooks Distinguished Professorship shall be made by the CAES Standing Committee for Endowed Chairs and Professorships and the selection will be approved by the Dean. Individuals are appointed to an endowed position at the discretion of the Dean, and retain their tenured position. Endowed chairs and professorships are appointed for a five-year term, with possible renewal after evaluation by a Dean-appointed committee. This evaluation is based on the accomplishments of the endowment chair/professorship holder. Renewal of the appointment will be based on the guidelines outlined in the specific endowment agreement, on the recommendations of the review committee, and the decision of the Dean. A recommendation for renewal must be well established, based on specific accomplishments relative to the guidelines, with final approval made by the Dean, where applicable. Endowed chair/professorship candidates are expected to have an established record of outstanding intellectual achievement, as measured by scholarly activity and publications and/or externally funded research, a professional reputation, demonstrated ability for leadership, and engaged in teaching, research, public service, or a combination of such duties consistent with the purpose of the named position.
Nomination Form
Specific Application Guidelines
- Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Award for Excellence in Research
- Award for Excellence in Extension
- Award for Excellence in Diversity
- Award for Excellence in Public Service Extension Programs
- Award for Excellence in International Agricultural and Environmental Sciences